Special Education – Transition Years

2022-08-10T10:07:11-04:00Tags: |

SPECIAL EDUCATION Every child deserves to have an inclusive education. Work with your school to have a general education curriculum and learn alongside your peers without disabilities. You can accomplish this by having an educational plan, called an IEP, in place. During the transition years, your parents and educators will continue to have

Special Education – School Years

2023-03-13T16:34:21-04:00Tags: |

SPECIAL EDUCATION Special education is a broad term that refers to specially designed instruction that meets the unique needs of a child with a disability. Special education provides support to children who need assistance in a variety of developmental areas. Services can include instruction in the classroom, at home

School Options

2022-08-17T09:58:17-04:00Tags: |

SCHOOL OPTIONS Despite whether or not your child has a learning difficulty, parents should assess their children’s needs and find suitable, local schools. For example, some children respond better to more rigid schedules and discipline, while others thrive in an open, hands-on environment. For a child with special needs, finding a good

School-to-School Transitions

2019-11-19T11:08:40-05:00Tags: |

SCHOOL-TO-SCHOOL TRANSITIONS For a child with a disability, change can be very difficult. Many of these children rely on routine and consistency, so when a major change comes it can be very difficult for them – and for you as their parent. The first thing a parent of a child with special

Individualized Education Plans and 504 Plans

2019-11-19T11:06:43-05:00Tags: |

INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATION PLANS AND 504 PLANS An Individualized Education Plan (IEP), also known as Individualized Education Program, is defined as a written plan that is designed to meet the unique needs of one child.  Much like an IEP, a 504 plan can help students with learning and attention issues learn and participate

IEP – Transition Years

2019-11-19T11:44:19-05:00Tags: |

IEP - Individualized Education Program Once you reach age 16, a transition Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting must be held by the IEP team to discuss future services. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 04) requires that in the first IEP that will be in effect when the student turns 16, his/her annual IEP

Individualized Education Program

2019-08-30T10:30:29-04:00Tags: |

STEP 3: Determining Special Education Eligibility Criteria state that to qualify for special education services, a child must have one of the 13 disabilities as defined by IDEA and the impact of the disability must create a need for services. If your child’s performance is not hindered by his/her disability, he/she may not qualify for services, even

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