Laws and regulations provide guidance and clarification about what is and is not acceptable when providing supports to individuals with disabilities. A number of Federal laws address accessibility and protect the rights of persons with disabilities. These laws cover access to a wide range of facilities and services, including housing, transportation, employment, telecommunications and voting. Knowing one’s rights under the laws, or complying with their requirements, typically means getting the right information from the proper source.

Sometimes you can do it alone; sometimes you need guidance and expertise in order to get the job done right. Filing your child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan is a process that may require professional assistance. When advocating for your child, do your research and get support from a professional or a friend.

“She is a tree of life for those who hold fast to her, and happy are those who support her.”

Pirkei Avot - Ethics of the Fathers 3:18

Local Resources

Autism Directory 

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was the initial legislation that gave individuals with special needs the right to get an education that would give them the best possible opportunity to learn. Students in special education are required by federal law to have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). For additional information, visit Disability Rights Florida.

Additional community resources:

The Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities Inc. is a nonprofit organization providing protection and advocacy services in the State of Florida. The Center’s mission is to advance the dignity, equality, self-determination, and expressed choices of individuals with disabilities.

The Children’s Healing Institute has partnered with thousands of families in our community to keep children safe in their own homes for over 30 years. This program joins families as a mentor, teachers, guides, and advocates.

Learning Disability Association of America (LDA) is an organization of parents and professionals working to help students with disabilities succeed with a focus on prevention, early and effective intervention and a successful transition to adult life. The organization’s goals are to ensure that students with learning disabilities are well represented in the State of Florida accountability system and school choice initiatives.

Americans Live With an Autism Spectrum Disorder
of Children Have Been Diagnosed with a Developmental Disability