A home of one’s own, either rented or owned, is the cornerstone of independence for any individual. Many people with disabilities face tremendous difficulties in getting and keeping adequate housing. They face obstacles like discrimination, inaccessible construction and unaffordable housing. There are many government supports for home ownership and rental housing to help you find a desired living arrangement.

Housing will probably be your largest monthly expenditure. Prior to living independently, one should develop a monthly budget that calculates income and expenses for housing, utilities, transportation, et cetera.

Many group homes and supported living programs are for adults ages 18 and up but often they have waiting lists. It is wise, during the transition years, to begin looking into such places and filling out paperwork to plan for eligibility.

“Who is rich? He/she who rejoices in his/her portion.”

Pirkei Avot - Ethics of the Fathers

Local Resources

The Arc of Palm Beach County operates four group homes in typical residential communities throughout Palm Beach County. They are designed to help adults over the age of 18 acquire the skills necessary to achieve self-sufficiency.

Catholic Charities Samaritan Center Transitional housing, employment counseling, transportation, parenting class, educational workshops and life skills counseling.

Families First building strong, safe, healthy, and sustainable environment for children and their parents through innovative programs and services including permanent housing, child abuse prevention and heathcare.

Jewish Association for Residential Care (JARC) Group Homes. One must be 18 years of age or older and have a documented intellectual disability but may have a secondary disability such as epilepsy, cerebral palsy, et cetera. This program does not meet the needs of persons with severe emotional or behavioral impairments. Individuals must possess basic self-help skills to such a degree that he/she can care for most of his/her own self care needs, assist in the maintenance of his/her own living quarters, care for personal clothing and share in household responsibilities.

Supported Living Apartments are for designed for adults who do not require 24-hour supervision in order to lead fulfilling lives. Supported living coach assists clients with skills such as budgeting/money management, paying bills, grocery shopping/meal preparation, medical and transportation.

Melvin J & Claire Levine Jewish Residential & Family Service – is a partner agency of the Alpert Jewish Family & Children’s Service – Group Homes. Staffed by highly trained direct care professionals, JRFS’ Group Homes provide spacious accommodations, comfort, security and 24-hour support for six to seven coed residents ages 21 and older.

Supported Living Apartments. The apartment program caters to adults requiring some level of supervision, but able to be safe in their own apartments. Each resident has an individualized care plan encompassing areas including nutrition, exercise, vocational goals, medical and psychiatric needs, in-home supports, finances and interpersonal goals.

United Community Options of Broward, Palm Beach and Mid-Coast Counties provide residential services for both children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Additional support services include medical, dietary and behavioral services as needed. United Community Options also offers Behavior Focus Group Homes for individuals with behavior challenges. Supported living coaching provides training and assistance to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities that live independently in the community. Individuals are assisted and trained in daily living skills, managing personal finances, housekeeping needs and life skills.

Americans Live With an Autism Spectrum Disorder
of Children Have Been Diagnosed with a Developmental Disability