Health Services – School Years

2023-03-17T15:39:22-04:00Tags: |

HEALTH SERVICES Developmental interventions, or “health services,” are provided to families who have a child or children that have a developmental delay. Medical treatment is recommended according to individual need and should not differ from common approaches to providing medical care. To get special therapy related services, the state will use an

Early Intervention

2019-12-11T17:34:27-05:00Tags: |

EARLY  INTERVENTION Early Childhood Intervention means finding specific ways to help a child become as functional as possible. The first step of early intervention is evaluation. Once a child is evaluated, he/she can receive the appropriate type of treatment that he/she needs. Sometimes, getting your child help at an early age can enable

Health Services

2022-09-07T13:28:40-04:00Tags: |

HEALTH SERVICES Developmental interventions, or “health services,” are provided to families who have a child or children that have been identified as having a developmental delay. To get health services, the state will use an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or Individualized Education Program (IEP). Discipline-specific therapies and family support services are

Behavior Management

2021-05-13T17:12:09-04:00Tags: |

BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT All children use behavior as a way of getting their needs met. In children with special needs, delays in language, social skills and self-help skills may result in various behavioral challenges. If your child has a difficult time communicating his or her needs or wants, s/he may act out with

Early Childhood Education

2023-03-13T11:27:44-04:00Tags: |

EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION It’s very important to find an early childhood program that is built on respect for families with a focus on ensuring that every child has a place in the community and the best possible chance to succeed. Support, information and coordinated services in community settings are what will enhance

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