Financial Resources

2022-07-04T11:56:09-04:00Tags: |

FINANCIAL RESOURCES Having a child with special needs can be very expensive and time-consuming. Fortunately, there are funds available to help families pay for the many services needed. It is also important to put certain pieces in place to ensure that if anything happens to you, your child with


2019-11-19T10:55:47-05:00Tags: |

CHILDCARE By law, if your child qualifies under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), he/she is entitled to special instruction and related services in his/her preschool through your state. The Preschool Services program in your state ensures the provision of a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to

School-to-Adult Transitions

2019-12-11T17:39:39-05:00Tags: |

SCHOOL-TO-ADULT TRANSITIONS “Greet all people with a smile.” - Ethics of the Fathers 3:16 Formal transition planning for students with disabilities begins at the age 14. While this may seem early, it can take months or years to complete the transition process. The goal of transition is to help your teen understand

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