Financial Resources – School Years

2022-07-03T15:41:07-04:00Tags: |

FINANCIAL RESOURCES Having a child with special needs can be very expensive and time-consuming. Fortunately, there are funds available to assist families. It is also important to plan ahead and put certain pieces in place early on to ensure that if something happens to you, your child will be cared for and


2022-07-03T14:40:05-04:00Tags: |

EMPLOYMENT/CAREER Individuals of varying ability can work! As you consider entering the workforce, you should do some career exploration. This allows you to examine your skills, interests, preferences and abilities and how they might match up with various jobs and careers. One idea is to take a self-assessment, which gives you a

Living Independently

2019-11-19T11:57:42-05:00Tags: |

LIVING INDEPENDENTLY People with disabilities can live independently! You can decide how to live, work and participate in your community. However, living independently does not mean doing everything by yourself or living in isolation; instead, it means having the same choices in your every-day life that your non-disabled peers have. This can

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